Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220 AF & AM  - 2959 N Lynnhaven Road, Virginia Beach, VA. 23452-6916

MAY STATED COMMUNICATION, Thursday, May 9th – Dinner at 6:00 pm / Meeting at 7:00 pm…               APRIL 2024 EDITION of The Burning Taper is Posted Under 'Newsletter'...               APRIL 2024 LODGE CALENDAR is Posted Under 'Lodge Activities'...             BE SURE TO REGULARLY CHECK Our Facebook Page for Updates Regarding Lodge Meetings and Events...              


A warm welcome to April as temperatures and the weather seem to be, and I say this cautiously, becoming nicer as of late! In March our Stated featured a “Green Coat Night” with an excellent presentation on the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Worshipful Brother Wes Latchford! We also had our ‘Painting the Roses Red-An Evening in Wonderland’ Sweetheart Italian Dinner fundraiser for the Lodge Building Fund which I hope many of you were able to enjoy. A sincere thank you to all who worked together to put this event on. The Lodge was also presented with a donation from Lynnhaven Chapter #184, Order of the Eastern Star from another successful Chili-Chowd’a Cookoff.

We have more good men who have been coming by the Lodge either seeking Light or interested in affiliation who are eager to talk and learn more about Freemasonry. This is always a great sign; please be sure to welcome them and talk for a bit if you should see them around.

For April’s Stated, I plan on presenting a short talk which I have been working on. It was inspired by some insights I had from a Masonic book I have been reading recently that deals with a particular part of the Fellowcraft’s ritual. I hope I can make it informative and interesting for all who should attend.

Finally, Brethren, I hope everyone has had a happy and healthy Easter and is ready as we move towards Spring!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Zach Schaard
Worshipful Master 2024

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