Lynnhaven Lodge No. 220 AF & AM  - 2959 N Lynnhaven Road, Virginia Beach, VA. 23452-6916

CANCELED – Due to forecasted inclement weather, our Lodge Breakfast from 8:00 am-10:00 am, Saturday, January 11th has been canceled…               FEBRUARY STATED COMMUNICATION – Thursday, February 13, 2025, Dinner 6:00 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm...               THE JANUARY 2025 EDITION of The Burning Taper is Now Posted Under ‘Newsletter’…               CONGRATULATIONS to Our Newly Installed Officers for 2025!...               56th Masonic District MWD Meeting, Monday, January 20th, from 6:00 pm-6:30 pm at Bayside Lodge No. 218…               BE SURE TO REGULARLY CHECK Our Facebook Page for Updates Regarding Lodge Meetings and Events...               THE LODGE CALENDAR for January 2025 is Now Posted Under ‘Lodge Activities’…              

Greetings, I hope all are doing well as we move into Fall!

As we get later into the year it strikes me how fast time has gone by and yet we still have plenty more activity on the horizon. To recap our September, our Stated Communication was Past Masters’ Night which saw a wonderful performance of ritual by several of our Past Masters. I want to extend a deep thank you to all who participated as it is always great to see the love and care our Past Masters put into the Lodge and ritual performance. The program was a presentation of the “Pink Lodge” by the Ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star which brought a lighthearted note to the evening and was well received.—Pretty spot on oh by the way. A big thank you to the OES and all they do for us

October’s Stated Communication will 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 10th. The funeral service for Rt. Wor. George William Ganter, PDDGM will be 11:00 am, Saturday, October 12th at Bayside Presbyterian Church, 1400 Ewell Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 and Masonic Rites have been requested; there will be a reception at the Lodge immediately following the funeral. Also, don’t forget about our Past Master’s Fish Fry coming up on Saturday October 26th from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm. Tickets were included in the September edition of The Burning Taper but may still be purchased at the door for $15 per person, children 12 and under $5. Additionally, anyone willing to offer their assistance in any way to put on this event are always welcome to volunteer.

As a final note, I would like to offer a recommendation for anyone looking for some Masonic Fall reading as it is a book I recently finished rereading a couple chapters of The Meaning of Masonry by W.L. Wilmshurst. I found it to be fascinating particularly for anyone looking to delve into a more esoteric side of Masonry without being overly intimidating or obscure. Wilmhurst is a British Mason and brings some aspects and references which are not found in American Freemasonry, but should still be digestible to anyone interested in learning.

Take care Brethren and I look forward to seeing you all in October!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Zach Schaard
Worshipful Master 2024

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